Prospecting Ads: Target Lookalike Audience
Try Prospecting Ads — a new way to acquire traffic and get more sales with Adwisely.
Why Prospecting Ads?
- You can tell more people about your product without making them go to your website first.
- You can showcase up to 50 products in a single ad.
- You attract brand new shoppers who can later turn into loyal customers products in a single ad.
- The algorithms inside Facebook will make sure that the ad will be shown to people who are most likely to purchase.
- If you run Retargeting and Prospecting campaigns together, you can help significantly boost sales and make both campaigns even more cost-effective. The more people from prospecting audiences come to your website, the more people will be retargeted with your ads.
Adwisely isn’t just a blog—we’re a team of experts who can run efficient ads for your online store
Level up your ads
How will my Prospecting Ads look like?

How successful are Prospecting Ads?
With the power of Lookalike Facebook Audiences, Prospecting advertising brought a 3x-5x ROAS increase for over 90% of users who tried them. Read Intelligent Blends success story.
To run a Facebook Prospecting campaign while automatically creating a lookalike audience, you need to:
- Click “Run Prospecting” on the banner you will see on Adwisely Dashboard
- Confirm/change Ad Message and daily budget
- Click “Run Campaign”.
That’s it! We will do the rest for you 😉