A family-owned Hi-Fi & Home Theatre store gets 1846% ROAS
Adwisely makes online advertising easy and efficient. What’s more important, however, is that it lets online stores save time and grow their sales by fully automating online ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Google ads for them. We are proud to have helped thousands of online businesses and would like to share some of their stories.

Living Entertainment North Coast
Platform: 🟢 Shopify
Primary product category: 📻 Electronics > Audio
Primary market: 🇦🇺 Australia
Adwisely user since: 📅 June 2018
Prospecting ads ROAS: 2540%
Retargeting ads ROAS: 1846%
Sales via ads: $435,000+
Living Entertainment North Coast – or just LENC – is a Hi-Fi & Home Theatre store powered by Shopify. It can cater for the most sophisticated of home audio needs as their product range covers everything from cables and stands to awesome Hi-fi packs.
What LENC does, however, goes far beyond “just selling” – they offer great guides on how to choose the right product, tell where to find the right parts for it and go as far as to explain how the complex appliances – such as a turntable – actually work. LENC also cares about the aesthetics of the home audio systems, so it’s not surprising that their Pinterest profile gets 55.6k monthly views.
Nat Dobbie, a long-time Hi-Fi enthusiast who established the store in 2014, believes in customer-focused approach – he and his team always find the right solution for the individuals needs and offer great customer care along the way. At this level of dedication, it takes a lot of time to manage a business like Living Entertainment North Coast.
To save some of this time, LENC needed a reliable online ad partner that would take care of both attracting new customers and re-engaging cart abandoners – all at a reasonable cost. This is exactly what Adwisely was designed to do.
Purchase of an audio system is never an impulse decision – one needs to do a proper research, and compare prices. To help their potential customers make the right choice, LENC used Adwisely to show Retargeting ads to those who viewed at least one product on the website. These ads showed up on 11 placements across Facebook, Instagram, and a network of trusted apps.

Retargeting ad on Facebook Mobile News feed powered by Adwisely
The ads were dynamic – each of the store visitors saw the exact product they were interested in. The ad text recounted the key benefits of LENC products.
Since Adwisely automated most of the ad creation tasks, setting up the ad itself didn’t take more than 5 minutes.
Once the problem of abandoned carts was resolved, it was time to tell more people about the amazing products Living Entertainment North Coast had in stock. To reach out to brand new audiences of audiophiles, LENC ran a Prospecting campaign via Adwisely.

Prospecting ad on Facebook Desktop News feed powered by Adwisely
Each ad featured the best-selling products from the store and was shown to people whose interests and behaviour were similar to those of existing customers. Adwisely created the audience for Prospecting ads automatically.
Adwisely consistently delivers great results for Living Entertainment North Coast – and will happily continue to do so in the future.
Just within the past 3 month, Adwisely-powered campaigns brought Living Entertainment North Coast an average return on ad spend of 1846%. The Prospecting ads are especially efficient – their ROAS is 2540%.
Your Turn

Are you ready to boost sales for your eCommerce store? Automate Facebook and Google ads with Adwisely. Install the app and create your ad campaign in just a few clicks — set the daily budget and review the ad text. The app will do the rest.
Contact Support to learn which of Adwisely solutions is right for your business.